Hi There BoBunny Fans 🙂
Today is Party Day!! and I’ve teamed up Double Dot and Take a Hike to give you party ideas with a smidgen of a NZ twist! 😉
There’s always sweet treats at parties but why not put a quirky hiking theme to them?  Like chocolate peanuts could be bear poop 😉  but in NZ I found huhu grubs at the lollie shop 🙂  Perfect for my party seeing as their indigenous to NZ and found in dead logs, easy to find when you take a hike 😉
First up, goody bags! So why not backpacks?! Â I’ve used different colours and ranges of Double Dot Cardstock to make mine, using brads from the collection to co-ordinate and some misc. matching ribbon.
I used one of the Noteworthy pieces to make my invitation decorating it with brads and from the collection.
A few little hiking versions of street signs and my little party was complete 🙂  Anyone coming?? 🙂
BoBunny Supplies:
Patterned Paper: Destination, Compass, Trails, Gateway / Take a Hike
Double Dot: Charcoal Chevron, Almond + Chocolate Double Dot, Maize Vintage
Brads: Take a Hike
Buttons: Altitude, Prairie Chic
Noteworthy: Take a Hike
Stamps: You’re Invited
Ink: Licorice
Source: Bo-Bunny
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