Take A Hike Down Under!

Hi There BoBunny Fans 🙂

Today is Party Day!! and I’ve teamed up Double Dot and Take a Hike to give you party ideas with a smidgen of a NZ twist! 😉

There’s always sweet treats at parties but why not put a quirky hiking theme to them?  Like chocolate peanuts could be bear poop 😉  but in NZ I found huhu grubs at the lollie shop 🙂  Perfect for my party seeing as their indigenous to NZ and found in dead logs, easy to find when you take a hike 😉

Double Dot & Take a Hike Party by Megan Gourlay for BoBunny

First up, goody bags! So why not backpacks?!  I’ve used different colours and ranges of Double Dot Cardstock to make mine, using brads from the collection to co-ordinate and some misc. matching ribbon.

Double Dot & Take a Hike Party by Megan Gourlay for BoBunny

Double Dot & Take a Hike Party by Megan Gourlay for BoBunny
I used one of the Noteworthy pieces to make my invitation decorating it with brads and from the collection.
Double Dot & Take a Hike Party by Megan Gourlay for BoBunny
A few little hiking versions of street signs and my little party was complete 🙂  Anyone coming?? 🙂
BoBunny Supplies:
Patterned Paper: Destination, Compass, Trails, Gateway / Take a Hike
Double Dot: Charcoal Chevron, Almond + Chocolate Double Dot, Maize Vintage
Brads: Take a Hike
Buttons: Altitude, Prairie Chic
Noteworthy: Take a Hike
Stamps: You’re Invited
Ink: Licorice
Source: Bo-Bunny


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