At the Zoo

Source: Imaginisce

We’re sharing another awesome project using our Milk Paints. Check out how Marcia used them on her layout below.

Marcia Dehn-Nix

At the Zoo’

I have another Family Fun layout to share today using the adorable zoo papers. This collection is so fun for all kinds of family outings but I especially love those zoo papers. Imaginisce recently sent me some Milk Paint. Have you tried out the Imaginisce Milk Paint yet? I thought it would be fun to paint a little greenery on my zoo layout.

First I had to select my photos and come up with a design so I would know where to start painting. Once I was satisfied with a rough layout idea I starting mixing up the green Milk Paint with a little water. I love that I can control how much paint I mix up at a time.

I painted the green on my background and set it aside to dry. While I waited, I added a little blue Milk Paint to some of the green paint I had already mixed up. I wanted my leaf branch to be a little darker green. Then I dug out a stencil with some leaves and laid it on my green background and started painting. A paper towel comes in handy for blotting the paper if it gets too wet and wiping off the stencil if you want to move it.

While this was drying, I mixed up a little yellow Milk Paint adding just a touch of my original green so I could add some spatters. When it was all dry I outlined my leaf branch with a colored pencil. Here is the final result.

The sticker stackers make such cute titles!

Imaginisce : Pattern Papers, Enamel Dots, Sticker Stackers (Family Fun), Milk Paint (green, blue, yellow)
American Crafts: Cardstock

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